Cycling in Trentino... a week end in Alpe Cimbra and Lagorai with fat and mountain bike

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I always love to cycling and walking in Trentino on the Italian Alps near home.
I remember when I was a little kid that looking outside my window the mountain were sprayed of a white snow... But in the last years somenthing looks changed.
Cycling in Trentino. Elena Martinello on a mountain trail of Levico Terme

Folgaria e Alpe Cimbra

Few months ago, through a facebook contest made by Hotel Villaggio Nevada of Folgaria, I won the chance to spend a week end riding fat bikes up on the Alpe Cimbra. I was really excited beacause Folgaria is a nice area one hour from my home but the last time that I was there was many year ago skiing with my family.

So it was a good opportunity to go back and refresh some memories.
Fat Bike in Folgaria, Trentino Alps

Giulia, one of the Ride Like a Girl Project girls, joined me to enjoy this new experience and it was also a good chance for us to visit and discover new places for the 2017 women's cycling events that we will organize with the crew.

We fitted everything in my car, our two mounain bikes and a lot of other bags, because "we never know what we need"... Is it going to be cold? Or warmer than in the city? These were our questions while packing the luggages! 

In the last few weeks we didn't see much sun 'cause the fog and the mist was really thick, while over a certain altitude, the sun shining!
Elena Martinello on the snow with a fat bike in Folgaria

So, just one hour driving and we get to Hotel Nevada in the middle of Alpe Cimbra in Trentino region. The welcome was immediatly nice even if a line of strollers parked in the hall of the reception frighten us a bit... But we understood immedialtly that the Hotel Villaggio Nevada was designed for children... Colorfull, big spaces where they can play and rooms with cartoon names. Funny thow!

But we where there for somethig new or different in our mountain... 

There is not much snow in the forecast so the local turism organization wants to make their trails rideable not just with skiis but also on fat bikes, e-bikes and mountain bikes of course. These sounds good for us that we love to cycle every season of the year.

So a chance to keep riding even in winter in different ways! Folgaria, Lavarone and all Alpe Cimbra area is getting bicycle friendly.

When the people are nice and want to take care about their guests, here in Italy the food is the most important thing that you can offer to them. So we started our journey having a big dinner... So good that we had to taste everything.
visit trentino, this is Passo Coe near Folgaria and me and Giulia we cycled over there with a fat bike

A small briefing after dinner with the ski teachers of Scie di Passione school showed us plan about the week end and the project about the area which will make the bike one of the main attractions for the future.

The group of winners was of about 20 people and the day after we started to have a taste of the Alps. Passo Coe is the ski area not far from Folgaria and where we had our outdoor experience.
Divided in two groups, half of us went on a fat bike ride and the others went for a trekking to visit some war blockhouse and trenches.

The area is well know, at the bigining of 1900, as it used to be the boarder between Italy and Austro-Hungaric Empire, where the battles of World War I tooks place.

It was my first time on a fat bike and ufortunatly I couldn't tested on the snow. But I'm sure I would go back to ride again those trails. The temperature was nice in the sun but freezing cold in the shade... We just did a short ride to have a look around get hungry for the big lunch in the hut.

We enjoyed the tipical food with polenta, cheese and stew... But lucky that we could have a trekking up on the peak so we could burn our meal.
Giulia one of the Ride Like a Girl Project doing nordinc walking in Folgaria

I often enjoy a place riding a bike but this time I enjoyed more doing nordic walking. The trail that we to to go up on the mountain it was great and the sun light made the colors warmer and perfect for some great shots. We also had the chance to see a chamois.

Giulia and I enjoyed so much the walk and after a full day of outdoor activities we were ready to relax in the hotel's spa.

The experience in Folgaria ended on the Sunday morning where the big breakfast gave us the energy to go riding in another incredible place at about half a hour from where we stayed.

Levico Terme e Lagorai

Luca of Rideaway ASD was waiting for us in Levico Terme to take us to a place still not well known in the cycling comunity but which has a lot of potentiality to promote the moutain bike in the area.
Cycling in Trentino, elena martinello and giulia mountain bike in Lagorai

We were still in Trentino region but this time closer to Trento city, on the Lagorai Alps. As the snow is not arrived yet there too we had the chance to explore some trails at about 1900 meters of altitude. 
Luca explained us that is working to bring some old trails viable again. The view over there was amazing, we could look all the Dolomiti di Brenta, the Stelvio's peak untill the Austrian boader looking from left to right.

The air was so clear and the sky blue, like the day before in Folgaria, but we loved that view and we felt like to be in one of those stunning picture that you see on a magazine.

We would love to take the girls up there maybe in one of Ride Like a Girl Project event... We really want to share with everyone what we have around the corner... What is not too far from home... But still unknown!
cycling trentino elena martinello and giulia with their mountain bike in Lagorai

So, now we had just a tiny taste of those place so magic that we want to go back as soon as we can!